What To Expect In The First Four Weeks of Invisalign Treatment With Langley Invisalign


Invisalign treatment is the most approached alternative for people who want a substitute for traditional braces. They are clear, invisible, and removable which makes them easier to handle as compared to the braces. They help in rectifying tooth problems like overbites, crooked teeth, and the rest of the malocclusion problem. After your appointment and treatment, you are required to visit your orthodontist to get your first set of Invisalign aligners.

Let's learn in detail as to what you should expect in the first weeks of treatment in Langley Invisalign so that you don't get surprised any further.


Week One and Week Two 

During the first week of the treatment of your aligners, you may face some discomfort in the initial days. But by gradually wearing them, you will get adapted to the aligners. The orthodontist will instruct you on how to wear and remove the aligners. In your first week of the aligners, you may speak with a lisp, but this will fade away eventually after your mouth gets adapted to the aligners.

People tend to move their tongue quite often subconsciously while moving their aligners, this leads to tongue soreness. So, it is recommended to make an effort to stop doing that. You may also feel like your aligners are rubbing an area of your gums thus irritating your skin, in such cases, it is recommended to contact your doctor immediately. The doctor may trim the edges so that the aligners can sit comfortably in your mouth.


Week Three and Week Four 

People often wear a new set of aligners every two weeks. So, you may expect to wear your second set of aligners by the third week. Just like in week one, in the third week, you may feel some discomfort because of the new aligner trays. As you have enough practice with the former aligners, you will be able to handle the new set of aligners.

You should build a habit of wearing aligners for at least 22 hours a day. You should put your aligners out only when necessary such as for doing activities like eating, drinking, brushing, and flossing.


Managing Mild Pain In The First Week Of Invisalign Treatment


During your very first week of Invisalign treatment, you may feel pain. So here are some of the ways that you can manage the pain:

  1. Prefer foods that need minimal chewing for example milkshakes, yogurts, smoothies, scrambled eggs, bananas, and more. This will help in managing the mild tenderness you feel in the first week. After a period when the pain goes away, you can go back to your usual eating routine.
  2. Make it a habit to swish with a saltwater rinse. For this, you may need to tablespoon of salt in a glass of warm water. Try swishing the solution for 30 seconds and then spit it out.
  3. If the invisalign’s rough edge is continuously hurting you then it is recommended to contact your dentist so that they can offer you a solid solution.

So, these are some of the things that you may expect in the first week of your Invisalign treatment. You need to remember that although the initial stage may hurt a bit it will get better over time and you will get a hang of it. So, now that you have all the information needed, you are all set to go for your Invisalign treatment.


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